Systems | Information | Learning | Optimization

SILO: Generalized Tensor Decompositions: Algorithms and Applications

Abstract: Tensor decompositions generalize matrix decompositions from matrix data (i.e., 2-D arrays) to tensor data (i.e., N-D arrays) and are a fundamental technique for uncovering low-dimensional structure in high-dimensional datasets, with applications across all of science and engineering. Conventional tensor decompositions seek low-rank tensors that best fit the data with …

SILO: Discovering underlying dynamics in time series of networks

Abstract: Analyzing changes in network evolution is central to statistical network inference, as underscored by recent challenges of predicting and distinguishing pandemic-induced transformations in organizational and communication networks. We consider a joint network model in which each node has an associated time-varying low-dimensional latent vector of feature data, and connection …

SILO: Reinforcement Learning with Robustness and Safety Guarantees

Abstract:  Reinforcement Learning (RL) is the class of machine learning that addresses the problem of learning to control unknown dynamical systems. RL has achieved remarkable success recently in applications like playing games and robotics. However, most of these successes are limited to very structured or simulated environments. When applied to …