Systems | Information | Learning | Optimization

Quadratic assignment, semidefinite programming, and graph neural networks

Quadratic assignment is a very general problem in theoretical computer science. It includes graph matching, the traveling salesman problem, and the Gromov-Hausdorff distance between finite metric spaces as particular cases. Quadratic assignment is in general NP-hard and even hard to approximate, but in fact the problem can be tractable for …

Analysis of Gradient Descent Algorithms

This paper investigates asymptotic behaviors of gradient descent algorithms (particularly stochastic gradient descent and accelerated gradient descent) in the context of stochastic optimization arose in statistics and machine learning where objective functions are estimated from available data. We show that these algorithms can be modeled by continuous-time ordinary or stochastic …

Characterizing implicit bias of optimization in terms of optimization geometry

In this talk, we will explore the implicit bias of generic optimization methods and its connection to generalization in ill-posed optimization problems. We will specifically study optimizing underdetermined linear regression or separable linear classification problems using common optimization methods including, mirror descent, natural gradient descent and steepest descent with respect …

Machine Teaching: Towards more realistic student models

Machine teaching provides a rigorous formalism for a number of real-world applications including personalized educational systems, adversarial attacks, and program synthesis by examples. In this talk, I will discuss research questions in the context of two societal applications: (i) teaching participants of citizen science projects for biodiversity monitoring, and (ii) …

A Well-Tempered Landscape for Non-convex Robust Subspace Recovery & Adaptive Sampling for Coarse Ranking

We present a mathematical analysis of a non-convex energy landscape for Robust Subspace Recovery. Under a deterministic condition, the only stationary point in a large neighborhood of an underlying subspace is the subspace itself. The same deterministic condition implies that a geodesic gradient descent method can exactly recover the underlying …