location: Virtual
SILO: Score-based Generative Modeling Secretly Minimizes the Wasserstein Distance
Kangwook Lee, University of Wisconsin–Madison
SILO: Location Science meets Machine Learning: Mathematical (discrete) Optimization approaches for Data Science
Victor Blanco, University of Wisconsin–Madison
SILO: Efficiency in Semi- and Self-Supervised Learning of Visual Representations
Mike Rabbat
Inference using Network Structure: A comparison of statistical and machine learning perspectives
Claire Donnat
University of Chicago
Why interpolating neural nets generalize well: recent insights from neural tangent model
Yiqiao Zhong
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Learning with (Bandit) Feedback from Strategic Stakeholders for Fair Resource Allocation
Kirthevasan Kandasamy
University of Wisconsin–Madison
A new BART prior for flexible modeling with categorical predictors
Sameer Deshpande
University of Wisconsin–Madison