Subspace cluster with missing data via integer programming
Jeff Linderoth
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Department of Computer Sciences, UW-Madison.
Jeff Linderoth
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Video Recording: Our quest is to derive convex relaxations for the pooling problem, a nonconvex production planning problem in which products are mixed in intermediate pools in order to meet quality targets at their destinations. The story begins with a description of the problem and discussion of state-of-the-art solution …
I will first explain to you the standard methodology for finding globally optimal solutions to nonconvex quadratic programs. I then will tell you a couple simple tricks, inspired by integer programming, that can speed up these algorithms by multiple orders of magnitude. If time allows, I can discuss a result …
We will discuss two mechanisms for dealing with integer programs that contain a great deal of symmetry—orbital branching and isomorphism pruning. These methods use information encoded in the symmetry group of the integer program to guide the branching decision and prune nodes of the search tree. Orbital branching and isomorphism …