Instructor: Gautam Dasarathy
Graduate Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Modeling and diagnosing the exercise of market power in the wholesale electricity industry | Active Learning on Graphs
Gautam’s Talk: TItle: Active Learning on Graphs Label prediction on graphs, i.e., the prediction of the labels of the vertices of a given graph using the labels of a subset of vertices, is a problem that commonly occurs in many areas of machine learning and data analysis. In this talk …
Atomic Norm Denoising with Applications to Line Spectral Estimation | Reliability of Content Identification
Title: Atomic Norm Denoising with Applications to Line Spectral Estimation by Badri Narayan Bhaskar The sub-Nyquist estimation of line spectra is a classical problem in signal processing, but currently popular subspace-based techniques have few guarantees in the presence of noise and rely on a priori knowledge about system model order. …
Active Clustering: Robust and Efficient Hierarchical Clustering using Adaptively Selected Similarities
This talk will follow up on last week’s SILO talk by Prof. Ellenberg. In particular, this will be a discussion about the “EDSN” algorithm for robust and efficient hierarchical clustering. Hierarchical clustering based on pairwise similarities is a common tool used in a broad range of scientific applications. However, in …
Review of graduate student summer internships
This week, we’ll hear belated summaries from three graduate students about their internships over the summer. Each presenter will speak for about 15 minutes. John Brady — NASA Langley Research Center. John worked on testing and modifying a communications protocol for use in the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory …