Privacy is the problem of ensuring limited leakage of information about sensitive features while sharing information (utility) about non-private features to legitimate data users. Even as differential privacy has emerged as a strong desideratum for privacy, there is also an equally strong need for context-aware utility-guaranteeing approaches in many data sharing settings. This talk approaches this dual requirement using an information-theoretic approach that includes operationally motivated leakage measures, design of privacy mechanisms, and verifiable implementations using generative adversarial models. Specifically, we introduce maximal alpha leakage as a new class of adversarially motivated tunable leakage measures based on accurately guessing an arbitrary function of a dataset conditioned on a released dataset. The choice of alpha determines the specific adversarial action ranging from refining a belief for alpha = 1 to guessing the best posterior for alpha = ?, and for these extremal values this measure simplifies to mutual information (MI) and maximal leakage (MaxL), respectively. The problem of guaranteeing privacy can then be viewed as one of designing a randomizing mechanism that minimizes (maximal) alpha leakage subject to utility constraints. We then present bounds on the robustness of privacy guarantees that can be made when designing mechanisms from a finite number of samples. Finally, we will briefly present a data-driven approach, generative adversarial privacy (GAP), to design privacy mechanisms using neural networks. GAP is modeled as a constrained minimax game between a privatizer (intent on publishing a utility-guaranteeing learning representation that limits leakage of the sensitive features) and an adversary (intent on learning the sensitive features). Time permitting, we will briefly discuss the learning-theoretic underpinnings of GAP as well as connections to the problem of algorithmic fairness. This work is a result of multiple collaborations: (a) maximal alpha leakage with J. Liao (ASU), O. Kosut (ASU), and F. P. Calmon (Harvard); (b) robust mechanism design with M. Diaz (ASU), H. Wang (Harvard), and F. P. Calmon (Harvard); and (c) GAP with C. Huang (ASU), P. Kairouz (Google), X. Chen (Stanford), and R. Rajagopal (Stanford).
May 15, 2019
12:30 pm (1h)
Discovery Building, Orchard View Room
Lalitha Sankar